Thursday, February 26, 2009

Magic Meat Sauce

This recipe is also from Freezer Chicks, one of our favorite sources for freezer recipes. This one is kind of neat because it's a basic sauce that can be used several different ways to make different meals throughout the month. And it makes a LOT so you can try all three recipes.

We tried this once with our freezer co-op, but accidentally used half of the diced tomatoes called for (the cans we bought were too small). It turned out fine and was still plenty tomato-y. However, not all our families enjoyed the recipe. Not sure if we'll ever repeat it.

But, I do like the concept of one basic recipe being used in different ways and I hope we'll be able to find some more recipes like that.


  1. I happened to like this recipe a whole lot, especially for the winter months. This works out really well for the recipes provided, but also for a fast chili or Shepard's Pie filling!

  2. On the other hand, Lisa and her family did not care for this one. So.... mixed reviews I guess.


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